20 June 2009
feeling like zombie today.....
having a baby require a lot sleep time sacrifices....of course my mom experience it before me...what she experienced was just 10% of what i experience now...she had to suffer a lot worse!
since Sarah's around, my mom always told stories about me, my sister and my 2 brothers when we were young and how we behave...mine and my sister and 2nd younger brother can be considered "good behavioral babies" (so-be-told).......the worst was my youngest brother (sorry bro).....
my brother start having the reverse cycle sleep behavior since he was (i can't remember)....he slept all day from 6am to 6pm and woke up from 6pm till 6am the next morning....this happened for quite a while (at that time my mom was a teacher).....having to imagine of how my mom can survive the "torture" from my brother makes me wants to cry....my mom really is a superwoman...she even told me that she at 1 time feels like fainting and both hands were shaken because lack of sleep...
i wonder if i can be like her....being able to go to work in the morning, and have to woke up all night to take care of my daughter....
at times i felt fed up....but immediately i wash that thought away...how can you be fed up with this responsibility???by all means your child is Allah's gift...just when i felt fed up, i looked at Sarah eyes and remember how she warmth my heart with all her naughtiness (and of course, her cuteness) and her smiles makes me feel relieve again....
and mom, i love you from the bottom of my heart....i know i was being ridicule and stubborn through out my younger years....i know now all the angry moments, all the advices which i didn't listen to was good for me....again, i love you mom.....
17 June 2009
baby romper a.k.a jump suit a.k.a "baju katak"
i love to buy Sarah romper which have wordings on it....she owns like more than 10 rompers but only 3 that got "so-called" cute wordings on it....
1st step - part 1
Watching their baby take those first few unsteady steps is probably one of a parent's proudest moments. While most parents look forward to that day and try to encourage their baby's efforts at mobility, many wonder when their child will begin walking. The answer is simple -- babies walk when they are ready, and not a moment sooner.(this statement really ease my worries!)
From Crawler to Walker
Healthy, active babies find many ways to move about a room. Some roll, some shuffle, some are content to crawl long after their peers are running, and some are up on their feet and walking just when the baby books advise mum and dad that they can expect those first steps. As long as your baby is making progress, there is probably no cause for concern, even if they are slower than expected in getting up and about.
When Should Your Baby Walk?
If you read an assortment of baby books, they will likely tell you that babies take their first steps at approximately 12-14 months. In reality, however, your baby may be a proficient walker at nine months or may not take a single step until 16 months (or even later). Neither scenario indicates a problem, merely a natural developmental difference. Premature babies will typically take a bit longer to reach developmental milestones, walking included. Most doctors advise using a premature baby's due date, rather than their date of birth, in looking for milestones to be achieved. For example, if your baby was born five weeks early, you can expect a five week delay in reaching milestones such as rolling over, crawling, and walking.
Steps Toward That First Step
Babies develop physical abilities so quickly during their first year that parents are often amazed at the rapid transformation. While each step along the way is a milestone in itself, many of those first achievements are helping to prepare babies to walk. Holding their heads steadily, rolling over, finding the ability to rest on all fours, crawling, and reaching for furniture to pull themselves up to a standing position are all predecessors to walking. Each of those abilities helps to strengthen a baby's muscles and increases their confidence -- both traits that are necessary for walking.Encouraging First Steps
While there isn't much that you can do to alter your baby's natural timetable, there are a few things that may help ready your baby for walking. Be sure to provide plenty of active play time to encourage the healthy development of muscle tone and coordination. Also, most experts agree that barefoot is best when learning to walk. Years ago, parents were encouraged to purchase "walking shoes" for babies, but now we know that babies do best when allowed to walk sans shoes.Babies are social beings and enjoy positive interaction with their parents and other caregivers, so be sure to engage your baby, both physically and intellectually, in order to help them to reach their highest potential.
Baby Bravery
Experienced parents will tell you that some babies forge through their developmental milestones fearlessly, while others are naturally a bit cautious. Sometimes, the difference between an early walker and one who waits a few more weeks (or months!) is simply a matter of caution level. Parents can help their babies to gain confidence by walking behind them and holding both of the baby's hands in the beginning. Most babies enjoy exploring their environment in this new, upright way, and will walk with a parent until mum or dad is suffering from an aching back!
Worried About Baby Taking First Steps
While books and baby experts can offer loads of advice, you know your baby better than anyone. If you are worried about your baby's developmental status, schedule a check up with the doctor. You can take that opportunity to discuss your concerns with the doctor and get individualised feedback. While there is usually no cause for parental worries, checking with the paediatrician not only eases a parent's fears, but in cases where there is a legitimate developmental delay, early intervention is always best.taken from BabyAndPregnancy 2000-2009
i just can't wait for Sarah to take her 1st step soon!!!!
16 June 2009
sarah!!little menace on the loose!!! - part 2
watch these 2 vids taken last nite @ 12.30pm after so called "celebrating sarah's 1st birthday"......nasib baik abah's wrist watch is EXTREME-shock and EXTREME-slam resistant....
sarah's 1st birthday - 15.06.2009
14 June 2009
But Alhamdulillah, now she is able to drink FM from bottle even when i gave her....a good thing sending her to nursery...the very 1st time i gave her, she only drinks 2oz out of 5oz...but that is a progress, isn't it???the 2nd time also the same.....
and today she manage to drinks 5oz in 1 shot...i was so happy with the progress.....hooray to Sarah!!!!
Tomorrow is Sarah's 1st birthday....and also the day she's going to get a jab...
11 June 2009
sarah - little menace on the loose!!!! - part 1
02 June 2009
issues i have to deal with at this very moment
1st issue:-
last 18th April was my last day @ the company that i have been working with for the past 3 years..i was in the conflict of "should i really leave the company which i dearly love?"...coz for your info that company i.e the M.D gave me green light to bring my daughter, my beloved daughter to work (coz i'm the kind of person who don't trust others except my family to take care of Sarah and plus having all the bad news of what happened to child left @ nurseries nowaddays)and even set the very next room to him as my nursing room for my daughter...i was thinking of not to resign, but 1 issue that make me felt like i didn't receive a respect from my M.D coz 1 week before my last day, the M.D approved to change the lockpad @ the office without telling me...if you are in my shoes, how would you feel?it seems like the company really want to ditch me away...i waited until my last day and left without securing another job in my hand...pretty risky isn't it??
2nd issue:-
just a few weeks before my last day i was called by this 1st board listed company for an interview...last year my friend who works there recommend me to work there....i was supposed to call back the company after my confinement last year, but i was so in love with the company that i worked previously, so i just kept quiet about it...but after waht happened to me @ my previous company, i've decided to call them...i went there for an unofficial chat with one of the managers and he asked me quite a few things like why i want to leave my current company and other things...a week after the chat i got a called from that company and asked me to came for the interview and i did....the interview went well and a week later i got the news that i'm going to be employed by them...but the problem is the appointment letter took a long time and meaning by long time is that i have to wait until the letter came out then only i can join the company...so i was unemployed for almost 1 month and that gave me more time to spend with my daughter and doing other stuff that i haven't got a chance when i was employed...
3rd issue:-
after being unemployed for 1 month and have all the time in the world to spend and take care of my daughter, i joined this new company...now i'm with the company for 2 weeks already and i can feel the conflict inside me that i don't want to work anymore...i want to be with my daughter, taking care of her, cook for her and give her the best that i can give....i'm now in the cross roads whether should i or should i not become a full time mom...i also have a business to run with my sisters...at least i can be my own bos and have flexible time to run the business...and that can can make me have all the time in the world for Sarah...as when i joined this company, i made the most cruel, unimaginable and unforgiven decision when i have to send Sarah back to my hometown to be taking care by my family...i was so broken hearted when i wave her goodbye @ KLIA....i cried my heart out in the car all the way from KLIA to my house....i was on the verge of not letting her go that nite, but i have no choice....of course the new company won't allow me to take Sarah to work, and i have to find nursery for her...but as i told previously, i'm not relly keen on searching the nursery for her as i am not confident enough of how the staff @ the nursery would treat her...does they take care of her like i takes care of her since he was born??she's with my family for 2 weeks now...and i'm gonna get her back this weekend....i already found a nursery for her....hope she can get along with all kids there and hope that the staff there takes good care of her....berserah pada Allah....
the verdict:-
for those who knows me or those who read this blog, feel free to leave a constructive comment whether or not i leave the job that i have now and be a full time mom to Sarah and in the meantime running my business or should i continue working and send Sarah to the nursery to takes care of her while i'm working?????????is anyone out there have this kind of conflict that i have now???i'm sure there are...as for me, there are pros and cons of having this kind of thought....please, leave a comment....i really in need of advice here.....