i got the shocked of my life last Monday, 10 August 2009, when my daughter had a high fever and the nursery called and asked me to take Sarah to the Doc..I was in the meeting in Shah Alam and had to ask for an excuse and rushed back to fetch her and bring her to Pead in Tawakal. While waiting for our turn to see the Doc, Sarah's fever recovering (teacher @ nursery had given her PCM)...my thought was she's having a fever because she's growing a tooth..so silly of me to think that!!with all the news of H1N1 have became a pandemic in Malaysia, still i thought Sarah is having a normal fever...so guys, do not take fever for granted!!
being diagnosed by Pead, Sarah was suspected with HFMD because she got this big painful ulcer at her throat.. i was so shocked and almost wanted to cry..where the hell did she got that?!i recalled all places that i have been with Sarah...the only and last place we went was Subang Airport coz my mom was here and we sent her back on Saturday...and the very next day Sarah had fever...maybe that's were Sarah pick up the Virus....
Doc advice to admit Sarah so that he can monitor her fever and ulcer....so there Sarah was being admitted to Tawakal...the fever was gone and the ulcer still recovering...Sarah have been given antibiotic and a medicine that numbs her mouth so that she cannot feel the pain and can eat better...day by day and its the 4th day @ Tawakal that Doc finally release Sarah from ward....but, she cannot go and mingle with adults and other kids @ nursery yet until she is fully recover....and so her mom cannot go to work and needs to take care of Sarah....the Doc gave me MC from the day Sarah was admitted until this coming Thursday....that's a whole 11 days of not working yo!!!!now on my 7th day of not working and it does not feel good...i do need my sanity of work!!!but of course my daughter's health is more important....
alhamdulillah Sarah was not diagnosed as HMFD as suspected....ulcer maybe trigger because of the heat nowadays and lack of drink water...but Sarah has always drinks milk right from the source a lot and is it not enough???thought breastmilk contains enough water???
hope by this Friday she is fit enough to be taken care by her teachers and meet her friends again, as her next appointment is this Thursday...
here are pics of Sarah's boring day @ Tawakal
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