27 February 2009

Infant From 6 to 9 Months

What your baby can do
  • Many babies are able to sit without support, although for the first couple of weeks you’ll need to stay close by to prevent him nose-diving out of his precarious new position - checked. Sarah dah boleh dok sendiri without support since end of 5 months.......
  • Many babies try to crawl, although it is often months before they are able to move at all, let alone crawl in the direction they want. Some babies never learn to crawl, but prefer to bottom shuffle their way around the floor - sarah baru belajar2 angkat-letak bontot tapi takut2 nak crawl. mcm kaki tersekat kat perut. almaklum ler, perut pun berlipat 3...hehehehe....tapi dia kalau letak dekat i, kjp tu dah ke depan..curious...bila masa budak ni blh bergerak laju smp ke depan...

crawl2.gif (15114 bytes)

walk1.gif (27840 bytes)

  • By around nine months your baby will begin to pull himself up to standing using whatever is handy at the time; perhaps the sofa or your legs. Once he is up he will probably just stand until he bumps down again, but it’s a great new vantage point, and it will increase his urgency to get on the move to examine all those exciting places he can see - yang ni sama gak..tak berapa nak master lagi....dia mmg leh bgn kalau she grab whole of our hands, tapi bila berdiri....goleknyer mengalahkan tarian bollywood....my mom said, dia tak merangkak, lutut tak kuat aa...
  • Now his fine motor control is developing and he will be able to stretch out with one hand to grasp small toys, pass them from hand to hand, let go with the first hand as the fingers of the other hand close around the toy, and examine them with concentrated interest
  • He can poke at small things with an index finger, and begin to point. He can also use the pincer grip - holding with the finger and thumb - to pick up small objects
  • He can put a toy down only when it is pressed against something firm, such as the floor or your hand. (But he won’t yet give the toy to you spontaneously)
kalau bab main toys, sarah have a habit of throwing away the one in her hands to get the other one kalau kita suakan dia ngan mainan lain....but above all, dia bukan suka sgt nak main ngan toys yang i dah beli berlambak tu...she still wants other things...like i bawa dia ke ofis everyday kan, apa yang dia nak main, kertas, buku, suka ketuk2 keyboard, stapler (yg ni i tk bagi main aa eventhough she's reach out for that), drawings, telephone (paling suka)....macam mana tu?????toys dia main kejap jer...then bored....

Language development 6-9 months

Your baby will love experimenting with sounds and will babble away to himself while in his cot or pram.

  • He will turn to your voice or a quiet noise from across the room, unless distracted
  • He will listen and watch adult conversations - tang ni mmg favourite sarah...kalau dgr org bersembang, mulut nganga memanjang, mata tak berkelip...ish ish ish...ikut perangai sapa la dia ni...
  • He can shout now and will let you know! He can also begin to sing a few notes of a familiar nursery rhyme - shout veeeeeery loud, expecially kalau abahnya tak bagi main ngan buku yg dia tgh baca...dah pandai emo...
  • He can combine syllables into long patterns and begins to change the pitch and tone just as you do when you ask a question

How you can help
  • Play ‘This little piggy’ and ‘Round and round the garden’. He will love the actions and the songs
  • Talk about the objects around you, so that he can match up things with their names
  • Use your baby’s name when you talk to him: ‘Where’s Jack’s hat?’
  • Look at picture books together

Toys for this stage

  • Stacking toys: these make use of his developing ability to organise the world around him, and develop his hand-eye co-ordination. Choose between stacking beakers (which need sorting by size to successfully complete), bricks or a set of rings of different sizes that fit over a pole. At first your baby will not be able to do them and will need you to show him how. He may then copy you or he may just like to watch or to knock yours down. Over the next few months he will get more proficient at stacking and sorting
  • Soft toys: offer him soft toys with interesting textures and shapes attached. He will use his mouth to explore them, and pass them from hand to hand
  • Mirror: babies find their own reflection fascinating. Choose a safe, unbreakable mirror specially designed for babies

Developmental tests at 6-9 months

The timing and the range of these tests vary from one health authority to another. But your health visitor will be able to tell you what happens where you live.

The tests at six to nine months include:

  • A hearing test
  • A check on physical development
  • An assessment of your baby’s social skills
  • A check on his hand-eye co-ordination
  • An assessment of his ability to understand

itulah serba sedikit about baby's development during 6-9 months old....taken from http://www.babyworld.co.uk


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